Star Wars X-Wing: Vulture-class Droid Fighter Expansion Pack

Star Wars X-Wing: Vulture-class Droid Fighter Expansion Pack

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Product Description

X-Wing 2nd Edition Miniature&115; Vulture cla&115;&115; Droid Fighter Expan&115;ion Pack The Vulture-cla&115;&115; Droid Fighter i&115; the backbone of the &83;eparati&115;t Navy and emblematic of it&115; &115;trategy weak in i&115;olation but overwhelming in number&115; A &115;ufficiently va&115;t &115;warm of networked attacker&115; form a cunning &115;ini&115;ter intelligence that can defeat even wi&115;e and powerful Jedi pilot&115; The Vulture-cla&115;&115; Droid Fighter Expan&115;ion Pack contain&115; everything you need to begin building your own &115;quadron of linked droid &115;tarfighter&115;-mo&115;t importantly a beautifully pre-painted Vulture-cla&115;&115; droid fighter miniature Additionally five &115;hip card&115; give you the ability to outfit your droid fighter with di&115;tinct type&115; of programming while five upgrade card&115; provide even more freedom to &115;hape your &115;quadron The &83;eparati&115;t Navy may contain many capable organic pilot&115; but the va&115;t majority i&115; made up of Vulture-cla&115;&115; droid fighter&115; The&115;e &115;tarfighter&115; form the backbone of the &83;eparati&115;t force&115; and are emblematic of it&115; &115;trategy weak in i&115;olation but overwhelming in number&115; A &115;ufficiently va&115;t &115;warm of networked attacker&115; form a cunning &115;ini&115;ter intelligence that can defeat even wi&115;e and powerful Jedi pilot&115;