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Product Description

Regaine Womens Foam 6 Month Supply is a foam that is used once a day to regrow hair and reverse its progression. Containing a 5% concentration of the active ingredient minoxidil, this treatment is suitable for women who struggle with female pattern hair loss and who suffer from a general thinning of the hair on the scalp. The active ingredient minoxidil works by increasing the blood supply to the hair follicles. This supply then stimulates secondary hair growth and works to make existing hair stronger. Applying the foam is quick and easy, allowing you to continue with your daily grooming routine as normal. Is Regaine right for me? Answering the following questions can help you identify pattern hair loss. Does hair loss run in your family? Have you noticed a gradual loss of hair on the top of your scalp. This may be most obvious near the parting or at the front of your scalp. If you've answered yes to either of these questions, you may be experiencing hair pattern loss. How can Regaine help? Regaine features a breakthrough formula for hair restoration. It works to: Stimulate hair follicles Regrow hair Reduce further hair loss. Please note that results may vary.