SELFcheck Menopause Test
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1st Health Self Check Menopause Test is a simple and reliable test to determine whether you have had your last period and reached the post menopause stage. Menopause Self Check Test 1st Health Menopause Self Check Test personal screening tests are accurate, simple and easy to use tests that can be carried out in the privacy of the home and provide a discreet way to check your health status. The tests are designed to identify potential problems before any obvious signs or symptoms appear. Self Check Menopause screening test is a sterile rapid test to detect human follicle stimulating hormone (a marker for transition into post-menopause) The test is fast and reliable, with visible results within 10 minutes. A small portion of women cease menstruating abruptly with no previous signs of irregularity. But the majority of women experience menstrual irregularity and therefore need confirmation that they are experiencing post menopause. With this test a woman can determine if she is experiencing peri-menopause or post menopause to enable her to seek guidance and appropriate advice from her physician. FSH levels normally vary between 10 and 20m U/ml in woman. After transition into post menopause these increase to over 25m U/ml. This test detects levels of up to 25m U/ml. Each kit includes: 2x test sticks (for 2 tests to be done 1 week apart), full instructions leaflet and range leaflet. Frequently Asked Questions Q: What is the Menopause?A: The Menopause is when your ovaries stop releasing eggs and you have your final period. It is also the times your oestrogen and progesterone levels drop (oestrogen and progesterone are female hormones that prepare you for a possible pregnancy). Experts believe it is these changes to the bodys chemistry which cause menopausal symptoms. Q: How can I tell if the Menopause is starting?A: Many women experience a range of symptoms and some women notice hardly any at all. The first sign is usually that your periods change and either get heavier or lighter. You may also notice hot flushes, night sweats and some irritability. This is called the peri-menopause and is the hormonal run up to your final peri